for you and your loved ones
Designing Tailored Trips
with Personal Assistance
Photo by: Daria Troitskaia
Our services
You’re taking that trip of a lifetime to the Mediterranean, yaye! Of course you want memorable experiences! And of course you’d rather have an authentic ‘insider experience’ than the tourist trail your guidebook or standard travel agent could offer. We understand. And that’s why we help you see the iconic sights and get you off the beaten path. We show you the hidden local foodie spots and charter that yacht to dreamy secluded beaches. The best part is we can help you discover what kind of experiences actually make up your dream holiday.
These are luxury trips for discerning travellers, but we’re not chasing luxury for luxury’s sake. True luxury is about relishing the best experiences available. And sometimes that’s simply about cheese and wine tasting in that wine bar that’s hidden in a cellar within Malta’s 450-year-old capital city. Yes, we know that it’s the food, the wine, the architecture, the natural beauty, the culture and, most importantly, the local people that make up the essence of every place.
And that is also why we personally show up for you to plan your trip. Your first free phone consultation will be like chatting to a friend abroad; a friend who is keen to make your perfect dream vacation in their country.
This is hospitality at its best.

our clients

The Mediterranean Islands are a symbol of creativity, the search for the meaning of life and for wisdom, and of the love of people and nature. This sea has always been an environment that has bred outstanding people who have made remarkable contributions to the development of history in philosophy, art, music, literature, science and technology. Are you ready to tap into the magic?
is much like the understated seductress Calypso, the nymph who lived hidden in a humble Gozitan cave, but could hold the Greek hero Odysseus her captive for seven years through the power of her beauty, seduction and love.
is an independent cosmopolitan lady who is well-established, well-versed and well-travelled. First inhabited in 5900 BC, she has been visited by kings and queens, knights and popes.
is like the wild woman who belongs everywhere and nowhere. Her experience is wide and diverse, and she has assimilated a little of it all to create her own distinct character. Indeed, Sicily is far from ‘Little Italy.’